Tiger Woods’ Bold Move: Dropping Thomas


Tiger Woods’ agent, Mark Steinberg, recently made a bold move in dropping Thomas Pieters as a client. Pieters, who was ranked No. 34 in the world at the time, had recently joined LIV Golf, a Saudi-backed company that is in direct conflict with the PGA Tour.

The Conflict Between LIV Golf and the PGA Tour

The conflict between LIV Golf and the PGA Tour has been ongoing for some time. LIV Golf is a Saudi-backed company that has been attempting to create a rival tour to the PGA Tour. The company has been offering large sums of money to players to join their tour, which has caused a great deal of tension between the two organizations.

The PGA Tour has been fighting back against LIV Golf, and has been attempting to protect its players from being lured away by the company’s offers. The Tour has been vocal in its opposition to LIV Golf, and has been actively trying to prevent players from joining the company.

Tiger Woods’ Support of the PGA Tour

Tiger Woods has been a vocal supporter of the PGA Tour during its fight against LIV Golf. Woods has been outspoken in his support of the Tour, and has been vocal in his opposition to LIV Golf. Woods has also been vocal in his support of the Tour’s efforts to protect its players from being lured away by the company’s offers.

Woods’ agent, Mark Steinberg, recently made a bold move in dropping Thomas Pieters as a client. Pieters had recently joined LIV Golf’s RangeGoats GC team, which is captained by Bubba Watson. Steinberg’s decision to drop Pieters as a client was seen as a show of support for the PGA Tour, and a sign that Woods is firmly behind the Tour in its fight against LIV Golf.

The Impact of Woods’ Agent’s Move

The move by Woods’ agent has sent a strong message to other players considering joining LIV Golf. It has also sent a strong message to the company itself, that the PGA Tour will not tolerate its attempts to lure players away from the Tour.

The move has also been seen as a sign that Woods is willing to put his money where his mouth is when it comes to supporting the PGA Tour. By dropping Pieters as a client, Woods is sending a strong signal that he is willing to back the Tour in its fight against LIV Golf.

The Future of LIV Golf

The future of LIV Golf is still uncertain. The company is still actively trying to lure players away from the PGA Tour, and the Tour is still fighting back. It remains to be seen if LIV Golf will be successful in its attempts to create a rival tour, or if the PGA Tour will continue to remain the dominant force in professional golf.

The Impact on Pieters

The decision by Woods’ agent to drop Pieters as a client has had a significant impact on the player. Pieters, who was ranked No. 34 in the world at the time, was clearly hoping to benefit from the large sums of money offered by LIV Golf. However, the move by Woods’ agent has put an end to those dreams, and has caused Pieters to reconsider his decision to join LIV Golf.

The move by Woods’ agent has been seen as a powerful statement in support of the PGA Tour, and a sign that Woods is willing to put his money where his mouth is when it comes to supporting the PGA Tour. It is a move that will have far-reaching implications on the ongoing battle between the PGA Tour and LIV Golf, and one that will likely have a lasting impact on the future of professional golf.



