Golf fans criticize Anna Davis for slow-play penalty and missed cut.


‘Pick Up Pace’: Golf Fans Show Anna Davis No Mercy as Slow-Play Penalty Leads to Painful Missed Cut

Key Elements of Article: ‘Pick Up Pace’: Golf Fans Show Anna Davis No Mercy as Slow-Play Penalty Leads to Painful Missed Cut


Key Points:

  • Anna Davis was penalized for slow play at the Augusta National Women’s Amateur, causing her to miss the cut by one shot.
  • This is the second time in two years that Davis has faced penalties at the ANWA, with last year being a two-shot penalty for lifting and cleaning her ball in the rough.

Golf fans showed no mercy as Anna Davis received a one-shot penalty for slow play leading to a painful missed cut at the Augusta National Women’s Amateur. Davis, the former ANWA Champion, was assessed the penalty during her second round, ultimately finishing one shot below the cutline. This is not the first time Davis has faced penalties at the ANWA, with last year also seeing her penalized for a different infraction.

Many fans empathized with Davis but also pointed out that slow play should not be tolerated in professional golf. Similar instances of penalties for slow play have been observed on the women’s side, raising questions about the consistency of enforcement across genders in the sport. Some fans believe that slow play is driving viewers away from the game and that penalties should be more commonly enforced at the professional level.

While the penalty was deemed harsh by some, others believe it should happen more frequently in professional golf to ensure the pace of play remains brisk and engaging for viewers. Davis left the course in tears, reflecting the emotional toll of the penalty on her, despite no comments to the media after the round.



