Why Golf Ball Goes Right?


When it comes to playing golf, there is a common frustration for many players – why does the golf ball go right? Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned player, understanding the factors that can cause the ball to veer off to the right is essential for improving your game. In this article, we will explore some of the key reasons why a golf ball may go right and how you can correct it.

One of the primary reasons a golf ball goes right is poor alignment. Proper alignment is crucial in golf as it sets the foundation for a good swing and accurate shot. When a player is not properly aligned to their target, it can result in the ball going right. To ensure proper alignment, start by aiming your clubface at the target. Then, align your feet, hips, and shoulders parallel to the target line. By maintaining proper alignment, you can reduce the chances of the ball going right.

Another factor that can contribute to the ball going right is an open clubface at impact. The clubface is the part of the golf club that strikes the ball, and its position at impact greatly influences the direction the ball will take. When the clubface is open, it means that it is pointing to the right of the target. As a result, the ball will start off to the right and continue on that path. To correct this issue, focus on ensuring that your hands are ahead of the ball at impact, which helps to square the clubface. Practicing proper grip and hand position can also help you avoid an open clubface and keep the ball on target.

Swinging too much from the outside can also cause the ball to go right. When a player swings from the outside, it means that the golf club approaches the ball from an outward path. This can lead to a slice, where the ball curves dramatically from left to right. To fix this, focus on swinging from the inside, or along the target line. This can be achieved by keeping your arms and hands in front of your body during the swing, and by initiating the downswing with your lower body. Practicing drills that promote an inside-out swing path can also help you avoid slicing the ball.

Inadequate weight transfer is another common reason why a golf ball goes right. Weight transfer refers to the shifting of your body weight from your back foot to your front foot during the swing. When a player fails to transfer their weight properly, it can result in an unbalanced swing and inconsistent ball striking. To ensure proper weight transfer, focus on starting your downswing with a shift of your hips towards the target. This will help you transfer your weight onto your front foot, allowing you to make solid contact with the ball and prevent it from going right.

Lastly, an overactive or inconsistent release can cause the ball to go right. The release refers to the rotation of the forearms and wrists through impact. If a player releases the club too early or too aggressively, it can lead to issues such as a hook or a right-to-left shot. To improve your release, focus on maintaining a gradual rotation of the wrists and forearms through impact. This will allow the clubface to square up naturally, resulting in a straighter shot.

In conclusion, there are several factors that can cause a golf ball to go right. Poor alignment, an open clubface, swinging from the outside, inadequate weight transfer, and an inconsistent release are all potential culprits. By understanding and addressing these factors, you can work towards improving your swing and reducing the number of shots that go right. Remember to practice these corrections regularly and seek the guidance of a golf professional for personalized instruction. With time and effort, you will be able to hit straighter shots and enjoy a more consistent golf game.



